DIY 3D Valentine’s Day Photo Cards

DIY Valentine Photo Card

Can I just say, I adore this project? When it came time to make Valentine’s Day cards for Thing One and Thing Two’s class parties, I was thrilled when Thing Two picked this one out of his line up of choices.

I’d been saving ideas on my Valentine’s Pinterest board for months and this was by far my favorite.

I’d spotted a pinned post from Design Mom, who’d picked up the idea from a Kirtsy post last year. Thing Two and I did a quick test run with my iPhone camera and a regular printed piece of paper and the effect was adorable.

So I stopped by Target over the weekend to pick up a $2 bag of Blow Pops and Mr W snapped a pic of Thing Two.

thing two striking a pose

Five minutes in Photoshop to add a red line and the text and we were ready to go.

I pulled out some leftover photo paper from the photo booth we had at our wedding last fall and we printed out enough copies for his class. Mr W spent a few minutes with an exacto knife while the kids worked on their Valentine’s boxes and I popped the suckers through the holes.

In less than 20 minutes we had a stack ready to go for his class.

Stack of Valentines

(Visited 70 times)
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  1. […] not make your kid the spotlight in your Valentine’s Day Card? This card from Flexible Life only takes a few minutes to make. Take a photo of your son or daughter with their hand extended and […]

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