DIY Valentine’s Day Treat Bags

Hershey Kiss Bottoms

While Thing Two picked out his Valentine’s Day card option pretty quickly this year, Thing One hemmed and hawed over half a dozen ideas for a day or so before she finally arrived at a decision.

No surprise, her final choice was the most labor intensive of all the options I’d given her.

She’s a girl, what can I say?

As I’ve mentioned before, Thing One is like me in her absolute and utter love of all things tiny, cute and packaged. Maybe it’s the fact that she’s had bento since she was a year old, maybe it’s genetic. Either way, if there’s a way to make something cuter, she’s going to be on board with it.

We found her idea when I ran across a gorgeous free Valentine’s Day printable set from Shindig Parties to Go. (Incidentally, if you’re looking for great printables for pretty much any holiday or event, the choices over there are just lovely!)

The Valentine’s kisses set was too cute. Pages of themed printables that can be punched out of sticker paper and placed onto the bottom of kisses and printable bag toppers to write your to and from messages on.

Since Mr W’s mother felt the compulsion to load us down with no less than 27.6 pounds of Hershey Kisses in our Christmas stockings this year, it seemed like a logical choice. After all, how the heck else am I supposed to get all that chocolate out of this house while still fitting into my jeans?

So Thing One spent five minutes digging through the candy bowl to isolate all the Valentine’s Day friendly colored kisses and I spent five minutes digging through my specialty printer paper to find a sheet of sticker paper.

I printed out the page, grabbed my 3/4″ circle puncher and went to town. A few minutes later, Thing One, Thing Two and Mr W were busy peeling labels and applying them to the bottoms of a big stack of Hershey kisses.

In the meantime, I headed downstairs to the baking kitchen to search through my candy supplies and found some small bags I use for cake pops. They held about four kisses each and worked perfect for the job. While Thing One filled them, I printed out and cut the toppers to size. She worked from her class list to write all the names on them (and to draw some tiny picture based on who the bag was going to) and then I stapled them to the top.

Finished DIY Treat Bags

All in all, we probably had a good two hours worth of work into this one. Not awful, but certainly not a last minute “oh crap, we forgot to buy Valentine’s at the store” option.


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